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What does Báaxal means?

Mayan lenguage has an incredible different meaning; depending of context we can use it for a sentence. One of thoses words  is precisecly BÁAXAL.

If there is a meaning that most represent  báaxal or báaxaj. would be TO PLAY And FUN. 

  Ko’ox báaxal (Let´s Play); Chéen tun báaxal  (they are kidding)

To do something for pleasure, Fun or chill : báaxal t’aan!

If someone ask about how is your day going  make sure to tell them HERE WE ARE BÁAXAL T'AAN! 

How Private chef Báaxal services works

You don´t have to worry a thing, we schedule  arrival time to your place one a half hour or two before services. we consider your privacy is very important for us that's why  we manage the time to cook, setting and decorating the table on time.

After service we clean up everything, saving leftovers  to reheat later when you need it.

We understand some inconvenient can happen:  traffic, accidents in highway, weather, fligths delayed, etc.

we provide our telephone number to be in touch in a faster way in case we need it.

Is very important for us to  be informed about allergies  or any other dietary restrictions (vegetarian, gluten free, diary sensitive) as soon as possible to avoid any cross contamination or supply any ingredient.


In our menu selections a number on parenthesis is given to choose the amount in every item according services required.


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